Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lesson 5&6 - Juxtoposition

Juxtoposition. Such a wierd word for me, words cannot describe of what I feel about the word. Well, anyway, juxtoposition can be defined as placing two variable side by side, however, similarity are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtoposition. By it objects or words next to each other, the human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually 'turning' something familiar to something less familiar of vice versa. This, however, what was lectured in class.

Creating an artwork in which several visual form which look alike are connected and combined so as to bring out 2 or more possible meaningful. Visual puns are lower version of visual metaphor

In a figure of speech in which 2 different things are linked by some similarity. Comparison that are obviously are not consider metaphor. Therefore, metaphor occur, when 2 different ideas are being connected in imagination and agreed to be dissimalarity at first

Using as/like

Example : Life is like cooking. It all depends on what you add and how you mix it. sometimes you follow the recipe and at other times, you are creative. Life is like a maze in which you try to avoid the exit.

2 or more things agree in some respects.
is a comparison of things that are essential dissimalarity but are shown throught the analogy to have some simililarity.A form of logical inference or an instance of it, based on the assumption that if 2 things are known tobe alike in some respects then they must be alike in other aspects.

This week as part of the creative studies activity work in class this what I did:

 Chili as symbol of love???
                                           Just like a red hot chili pepper as you are,
                                                       You are red, You are hot,
                                                       You are a red-hot person,
                                       You spice things up every day on every night,
                                     As I like to taste you a lot as you tasted like chili a lot,
                                                       Yummy yummy you are a lot,
                                                                  Just like a chili.

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